2010 has been one hell of a year. i lost my beloved grandmother, my amazing mom, then my little love cat. so much love gone from my life.
but one thing that i can look back at and be happy about is that every day this year, i kept a gratitude journal. to be honest, some days, it was only one thing that i could think to be grateful for. but through the darkest year of my life, i was grateful for something every day.
what it showed me is that even though i think i can't keep up with something, i can. and also that little tiny changes land up being rather fantastic.
there are a number of things that i am adding to my 'every day' this year. i will keep up my gratitude journal and some other things. but the one that i am really excited about is my photo a day.
every day for the whole of 2011, i will take a photo to document a moment of my life. and i will post them here for a record for myself as well as to share (a DH suggestion to keep me accountable). i am guessing that most days i won't comment about it, just share what i saw with my little eyes.
what are you excited about this new year?
may 2011 be filled with love, joy, abundance, great health and happiness to you all! i am grateful for each and every one of you!
love, ellie