Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sharing the Wealth

Keeping that Blog Month Party rocking...
Today I found a no-nonsense blog. The author is talking about odd occurrences that have happened to her, especially around this halloween time. And I will add...with the full moon who knows what will happen.
Reading about her odd occurrences reminded me about something that happened to me a few years ago. Those of you who know me personally know that I have a small spinsock on my car. It makes me really happy to know that it is twirling wildly in the wind as I drive.
Anyway, one day I walked out to my car, which was parked in the mall parking lot. Gone! My little spinsock was gone. Someone had taken it. It was there when I left but gone when I returned. I wasn't thrilled but at least I knew that someone else would have the fun that I had enjoyed.

It happened to be around Halloween and by chance (divine intervention!) I came across a little ghost spinsock. Perfection! I put it on my car and life was good again.
A few days later I was sitting at the drive through window at the bank. I caught sight of my car in the bank window.
Yup, you guessed it. The little ghost was gone.
That wasn't the fun part. The best part was the original one had been replaced! Ghost gone, original one reattached.
I asked all of my friends if they had done it. No one had.
Ah, a mystery for the ages.
Moral of the story is that even criminals can show some restraint.
Or maybe that it is really cool connecting with new people.
Here is the link you have been waiting for!
And really, could I possibly love the name or spirit of the blog name anymore? I think not! Thanks, Kimberly for sharing!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


This month is one of creativity.
It is NaNoWriMo...National Novel Writing Month. It is NaBloPoMo...National Blog Posting Month. It is also AEDM...Art Every Day Month.
Lots of cool stuff going on.
In fact, just yesterday I was the guest speaker at a global teleseminar on creativity. So it is definitely in the air...all over the world.
I am participating in both NaBloPoMo and AEDM.
With the blog every day challenge, you are to do a blog post every day. Well, while I thought that was pretty cool, I decided to add a bit of a challenge to it. Sure, it is simply delightful to hear my own opinions (!) but what if I got to taste a bit of 30 other people's lives this month? How cool would that be?
So I decided to put this caveat to the challenge...each day find a new blog and leave a comment. I leave my name and my URL in case they would also like to reach out.
Tonight when I was visiting today's discovery, I decided that I would share the blog that I discovered each day and what it meant to me.
Today I found Farm Chicks,
The blog's owner is named Serena and her post today was about taking the long cut...opposite of short cut...home. She has the greatest photos of barns and farms from her drive home. Wow.
It got me thinking about the long way home. I have watched the moon become full this month and every time I stand out in the cool air, especially since the time change last weekend, it seems to me that time is slowing down. I let the air brush over me and feel the stress in my muscles drift away. It feels as if my spirit is expanding first within the confines of my body then reaching out to the sky itself.
There is so much going on in my life right now and yet there are these moments when I can take the long way. Maybe it is just leaning against the car for an extra moment before going in or standing in the night with the dogs for a few moments longer. Indy and Charlie, my little furry fellas, love standing nose in the air, sniffing for new. Fresh. Different. In no hurry to go anyway, just taking the long way.
Thanks, Serena, for sharing your long cut with me. It made a difference in my day!