Thursday, February 27, 2014

creepy art

my husband thinks
much of the art i have is

he is not wrong about paintbrush man.

Friday, February 21, 2014

always welcome

i know that a lot of people go to great lengths to NOT feed squirrels but i love them so much! the squirrels who come to my feeder know they are welcome. they watch me through the window and don't care too much about me moving around in here.

my world has felt pretty small lately. i find that between coaching and working on some classes that i have spent a lot of time sitting here at my table, next to my front window.

i often look at the trees and how they change day to day. i listen to the birds and watch for the regulars, look for newbies. i watch my little squirrelly fellas and think how freaking adorable they are.

i am so grateful for my little window of the world.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

thank you mary!

my wonderful friend and client, mary, is traveling the world coaching business leaders.

she has developed this seriously fantastic habit of getting me chocolate from the different countries she visits.

this time? gigantic bars of cadbury's from england. and yes, we can get cadbury here but it does not taste the same. my english husband has said this a million times.
too bad he is on a diet!!!

thank you, mary?
where are you heading next? ;)

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


here in north carolina, we are an opportunistic bunch. when we see the chance to wear flip flops or put the top down, we take it. snow piles or not.

Friday, February 14, 2014

anatomy of a snowstorm

cleaning off the top of my car this afternoon and saw the perfect anatomy of our snowstorm! about 6 or so inches of snow, followed by about .2 inches of ice (see the white line near the top) with another 1 of snow on top! but god loves north carolina, we were cleaning the snow off in sweaters while a neighbor shoveled (he owns a shovel???) in a tshirt!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014

of a sunflower girl

my mom's favorite flower was the sunflower. when i was going through all of her craft supplies, i found this beautiful paper flower and now i keep it as an tender reminder of a sunflower girl.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

coming soon-ish

my camera battery died today. i had a spare but i killed that one somehow. anyway, i spent a long time photographing elliements that are ready to go into the shop and that's what killed it. not surprised though. because photographing jewelry after i have made it wears me out too. i absolutely love doing the metal embossing. love designing them, painting them. then comes the photographing them for listing and the whole process slooooows down. but they really want to come out and play so it is time. snap, snap.

Monday, February 3, 2014

today it rained

today it rained
like tears
for one 
who died
gifted, giving

i know 
this winter rain 
brings green and new

these tears
bring healing

but for today
the sky and i 