One of very best friends, Beth, has a birthday today! Happy Birthday, B! She is an awesome woman, friend and new mom coach. I wanted to give her something special for her bday.
For christmas, Dawn and Michelle got me the coolest gift for christmas. And I knew that it would be perfect for Beth.
There is a photographer in Rougemont, NC who has an amazing eye and truly an artist's way of looking at things. Check out her website at or
She takes photos that look like letters. In nature or architecture. Very cool.
This is similar to what I got for Beth. Fantastic! Beth opened it today and went wild!

It was so cool. Beautiful day! Carolina blue sky. Lovely breeze. Very, very little stinky farm smell.
Here is Sam with some of her friends.
Not to be out done, I made a new friend. One of the cows took a shining to me. Big time. She kept kissing me. And for those of you who have never been kissed by a cow, they are sloppy kissers.

Here is my little 800 pound friend.
Her buddy (all of them are named but I have trouble enough remembering my name so let's be real...) told me exactly how she felt

She had no interest in getting some ellie love so she kept her distance.
As did the new babies.
It was amazing to me that this was only 25 minutes from my home. Only about 10 minutes and 2 turns outside of my normal circle of travel.
I wonder what else I can find...
Life is so cool.
Oh...the punch line...yes, there is one.
When I pulled into the driveway of the beautiful white farmhouse, Sam came out and as it happened, this is a woman that I knew a decade ago! Amazing, uh?
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